TRIBE-475: Hawthorn
Chusi -
Lost Healer -
The Lost Tribe -
Haw, Thorn -
March 9 (Lizard Period)
Hawthorn is Cynthia's big brother. Cynthia always drives him nuts because she always chews on the tip of his tail and as soon as the teeth pierce his tail he yelps, baby teeth hurt, especially when they are saber tooth like fangs. He loves her but she’s still a kit and chews on everything, but mainly lately, his tail is her favorite chew toy.
Hawthorn is an extremely caring soul and always helps anyone in need, he is best friends with Lavender and good friends with Asagro. They were always a great team as healers until a terrible accident hurt Lavender.. and Hawthorn blames himself. Everyone tells him it wasn’t his fault, even Lavender told him it wasn’t his fault, but he denies their words and is always so depressed that he can’t see his best friend’s beautiful lavender purple eyes anymore.
He had went out picking medical herbs and flowers with Lavender one night, hearing something while they were picking things and warned Lavender, but it was too late as a massive Chimera was right behind Lavender and they both dropped everything and ran. He was running so fast from fear he forgot to look back sooner but he turned his head to see Lavender down on the ground from tripping and twisting her ankle. “LAVENDER!” He cried out as he ran back towards her before she cried out for him to go get help, seeing her kick the Chimera. “Lav I’m not leaving you to die! Please let me-“ “GO HAWTHORN!” She cried out as she looked at him in tears, Hawthorn tearing up before he turned around and ran to get the warriors.. he should have never left her side.
Hawthorn woke the warriors up and told them Lavender was in danger, the warriors running to go help before they suddenly heard a shrieking scream, Hawthorn bolting past some of the warriors before watching one of them tackle the Chimera and seeing Lavender on the ground screaming and covering her eyes. “THEY BURN! MY EYES! THEY BURN!!” She cried out as she kicked around in pain and cried, Hawthorn running to her, moving her paws away from her eyes and that’s when he teared up.. her beautiful eyes colorless.
He shook his head and focused on the task at hand, popping a sedative in her mouth to calm her down before he could look into her eyes and see her sight was gone, seeing the venom dripping down her cheeks as he decided to take some with him and helped her up and back to the camp. Now he dedicates his life to helping her, healing the tribe, and hoping to try and find a cure or something to save his best friend’s sight so he could see her beautiful eyes once more.