TRIBE-488: Citrus Quartz

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    1st of April

Citrus was a Sunfallen Maid of the previous Queen, until she was deemed "too old" at about 21 years old. At that point, no Starfell Grifix wanted her anymore, despite her parents trying over and over again to arrange a marriage for her. Before, she was treated like the family jewel, one of the select few that were deemed worthy to serve the Queen directly. But once her service had ended, she was nothing but a burden and a shame to the family, for being unmarried. That is the fate of all Sunfallen Maids. 

At one point, an old grifix decided to eventually marry her, after his wife passed away due to an illness. He always acted like he did her a favor, and she should be forever thankful to him for taking her when she was so undesirable.

Pretty soon, the two made an egg, and the mare born from it was chosen to become a Starfallen Maiden, preparing to become the next queen, Soleila. As proud as Citrus wanted to be for her daughter, she knew there was no good waiting for her in that life. The life of a Queen was miserable, maybe even more than that of a Sunfallen Maid. Her husband continuously bragged about it, which made Citrus even more disgusted by him. It was as if it was all his accomplishment... While he did nothing...

But there was nothing she could do. It was the fate of the Starfell mares, and she had no escape from it. She just had to suck it up.

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