TRIBE-92: Yantarka

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
    Koi fish
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo
    Mashino Shina

She was the daughter of Pine, but her other parent is unknown (but it’s definitely someone from the First Warriors). She hasn’t inherited any traits from her father and doesn’t seem to look like any of the first warriors, which confuses others even more, but that is all because she’s most probably albino, or at least slightly albino. At the beginning she was a pretty nice person, who empathized with other grifix and animals. She was very loving and caring for her friends, but she always believed in the reason why her parents wanted to destroy the village. Her father was the oldest of the first warriors and the first one to die, around when she was 16. From that point she stopped aging, but she was still herself. After the death of the first warriors, the other grifix started drifting away from their will, despite her trying desperately to keep them believing in it. It was all until one point, where she would’ve been around 80 years old, when she became extremely angry. She started acting like she never did before: she went berserk, she started killing grifix with no mercy and acted like she wasn’t herself at all. The Grifix who have met King Pine recognized his personality in her behavior and they could swear they heard his voice shouting from behind hers.
That one time she brought all the remaining Grifix together and told them that they had to follow The First Warriors’ Will, forever. And if anyone opposes, they’ll meet their end like the Grifix she had just killed. Soon after that she came back to her old personality, but after that moments like that kept occurring: she was getting possessed by the first warriors’ spirits. As that kept on happening, she started loosing her mind, will, and perception of reality. In other words, she was slowly developing autism (but of course that the Grifix don’t know anything about that). As the years passed, it was slowly getting more and more advanced.
Currently, she’s very distant and seems like she doesn’t even see the Grifix around her. She keeps on staring at the forest and nature. She seems stunned by meaningless things and she’s very strange, as if she would live in a different world then everyone else. This thing however, make the Grifix feel like worshiping her even more, and they associate her easier with the supernatural and, therefore, the spirits of the First Warriors.
Whenever a grifix breaks the first warriors will one of the first warriors takes control over her body and kills merciless that grifix. Her however, has no role to play in this madness. Her body isn’t her own for a long time and she’s trapped in that deadless body that keeps on being stolen from her without her having the possibility of fighting back.

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