TRIBE-95: Roc

Owned by kazoowary
(Co-owned by MysteriousShine)
  • Name
  • Shape
    Sand Lizard
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Rank
    Warrior (in village), first warrior (tribe)
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality

Roc never considered himself like others. He liked to think he was special. Even though most of the boys didn't like him, because the girls clung to him, the adults liked how polite and neat he was. Hair always tied in a ponytail, shiny fur and sparkling hooves.
When they were left, he no longer cared so much about his reputation and what they thought of him. He didn't want to admit his flaws, but all he ever did for others out of politeness was just for the sake of universal love and respect.
The queen's betrayal offended him and no matter how much he wanted to seem perfect even now, in their position everyone is equal. No one else cared who was who, they were all alone. At that moment, the Roc shattered like a stone. He was no longer perfect. Someone already suspected that Rock was far from an ideal errand boy who would never refuse to help, but someone was very amazed. Young healer Bluebell, for example, was so disappointed and unpleasantly surprised. Roc had so much fun teasing her, it seemed funny to him that one of the most revered griffixes turned out to be completely different. But someone supported him, someone from whom he didn't expect this at all. Quick Mouse treated him with understanding and this unsettled him a little and even made him softer, to the displeasure of Roc. So the Mouse became his only "friend". It was a strange friendship, Roc couldn't even say if they were sincere friends, but he was pleased that at least someone accepted him so not flawless.

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