TRIBE-98: Drakon

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Birthday
    May 31st
  • Sexuality

Dracon is the current king of the Tribe. He is very young and didn’t became king long ago, though he is one of the best kings there were (from the First Warriors’ perspective). He dedicated his life to pursuing the First Warriors’ will and finding the Village. He began his reign by killing his father, the old king right before the Priestess wanted to kill him (because he wasn’t giving any attention to the First Warriors). This way he gained the trust of the First Warriors and became the king.

No life has any worth for him. He only sees one goal in his life and that is finding the Village and being liked more by the First Warriors. He would kill anybody at the blink of an eye and nothing else matters for him. Not even for his own wife did he ever feel at least a drop of love, or at least care. He is feared by everyone and for the first time in a long period The King and The First Warriors represented the same will for the Grifix.

He is disgusted by anything that is weak and hates from the bottom of his heart those who go against the First Warriors.

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