TRIBE-99: Soleila

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
    Crystal Ewe
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Birthday
    April 1st
  • Sexuality

Soleila is the current Queen of the Tribe. She is 15 years old, but became queen at 13 when she married the new king of the village. She has been fated for him from birth, but she never loved him. In fact, she never allowed herself to love anything. Her duty from birth was to be loyal to him and obey him, do whatever he wanted. She had no rights in that world but she didn’t even allow herself to complain, not even in her own mind. She never shows any feelings and does everything just to please him because that’s what she was meant to do. She is nothing more than a possession, and he is the owner.
The moment she got married, she lost everything she ever had: possessions, friends, family, and even her own person. She didn’t belong to herself anymore. But she knew it was going to be like that all along so she didn’t mind it.
What actually hides deep in her soul, only she knows. But it’s certain that she will never let it out.

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