TRX-386: Secoya Redwood

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    Red-Backed Shrike
  • Rank
    Fenrir Hunter
  • Dead/Alive
  • Location
    The Forbidden Colony
  • Nickname
    Sec, Coy, Coya, Red, Woods
  • Birthday
    1st of August

Secoya loves being a hunter, but sometimes he isn’t so fast because of the tree on his back. The tree sometimes gets in the way of his running because it sometimes becomes heavy during the summer and spring time because of all the leaves that grow on the tree, so he has to sometimes chop it down during those seasons so he can run faster. During the fall while the leaves are falling off his tree, or during the winter where there isn’t leaves at all on his tree, he is faster than he is during Spring and Summer.

He’s quick on his feet and a good hunter, he always keeps his claws sharp and he’s got really good eyesight. He can see the smallest of prey scurrying away from him but he will immediately run after it and go for the kill. He works hard to be able to get home safe to his family and friends.

Secoya sometimes lays in his hut and wakes up whenever he hears movement, most of the time seeing its Nightwatcher. He always asks Night why on earth he’s going out late at night and his excuse is always, “I hunt better at nighttime.” Secoya always rolls his eyes and goes back to sleep, but he’s friends with Night so he always worries about his safety.