TRX-387: Nightwatcher

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
    African Wild Dog
  • Rank
    Fenrir Hunter
  • Location
    The Forbidden Colony
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    December 19
  • Nickname
    Night, Nighty, Watch, Watcher, The Watcher

Nightwatcher is well known for his sneaking out and hunting during the night. He sneaks out of the colony during the night and hunts all night, bringing tons of prey back and when the other hunters wake up they see him asleep and a huge pile of prey laying in the middle of the circle of huts. Some trifix get mad at him because he always brings back more than anyone, but he honestly doesn’t care, he’s that stubborn.

Night is really sweet when you get to know him, but he can be very stubborn and hotheaded. When he can’t do what he loves to do which is go hunting at night, he grunts and growls in protest. He is one of the fastest hunters as well, and that’s another reason why others don’t like him hunting on his own. Night also has good senses, that’s how he can find prey so fast.

During the night when he goes out his own sometimes, one of his friends that’s a Royal guard catches him and always asks him why he’s out so late and doing hunting, and Night always says he does better at night because he doesn’t have all the smells of trifix up his nostrils. His friend understands, but he doesn’t let him stay out too long and the two walk back home together before they separate and Nightwatcher goes back to his hut and goes to bed.

Night still hunts during the day when he is asked to do so, and he still does good of bringing tons of prey back, but nighttime is his favorite. He knows it could be dangerous at night, but he is one of the strongest hunters too. Some try to fight him but he always wins and people get scared of him because of how good he fights, and sometimes how scary he can act.