Hello again! Today I’ll be introducing officially a bunch of new traits that have been actually used before, and also clarify some old ones! I’ll start with the clarifications, leaving the best for the last ^^


1. Spiky hair?

This has kinda been ignored a few times, even by me... but I think I have a better explanation than the old one for this.


Basically, what I meant from the beginning, was that the Grifix have a different hair texture than the ponies. The pony hair is a lot like the human hair, being somehow silky, while the Grifix hair has a texture closer to wool. It has much thinner and dense hairs. This makes it harder to keep untangled so they usually keep it shorter, and naturally it’s not very curly and rather spiky. But there can be exceptions ^^


2. Winter coat


I first introduced this trait hoping that it would get the Grifix protected on Equestria Amino, but that didn’t happen. I kept the winter coat as a thing up till now but people pretty much ignored it and tbh I didn’t quite like it so much myself.


So, from now on, this’ll be an epic trait.


Specifically, all grifix get thicker fur during the winter, but they don’t change it’s colors. If a grifix has this trait, not only do they get thicker fur during the winter, but they also change their fur colors to an animal pattern.


If you want your grifix to have this trait, from now on you’ll have to include it in their reference.


3. Goat nose


This is just a pretty basic trait. It’s Epic. The Grifix would just have a goat nose. You can see the example here:


4. Hair fluffs


This is a bit more complicated. The Grifix having this trait do not have hair at all. Instead, they have fluffs covering their head and tail. Those fluffs can’t grow very long and have the same color as the rest of the fluffs. If case the Grifix has a different fluff material, the hair fluffs also have that material. So it can look like they have feather, cloud, smoke etc. hair. But those are actually fluffs.


Examples for this trait on characters (cause some characters already have it):

Has the legendary version
Has the legendary version, but with feathers

5. Sphirix constellation

In this trait the sphirix has a constellation inside. This is a legendary trait.



Art by kazoowary

That’s all! There might be a while until I’ll update these traits in the traits wiki, so sorry about that... anyway, see you next time ^^

This has been first posted on Amino. All the information here will be uploaded on the site eventually, this is just for archive purposes.
Date: 01/23/21

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