You look at the beautiful lights in the sky, hear the howls of the forest...
Oh, the beauty of the Night is something Rosa could never comprehend. She stood near the fire and watched as the scorching flames reached for the sky, the heat greating swirls through the air which were visible because of the high magic condensation in the air which made it all sparkle...
Each grifix was dancing with their lover around the fire, turning on the music rhythm as swirls of magic flew around like a sandstorm.
Valentina walked towards her, looking exhausted. Every grifix wanted to dance with Valentina, and she said yes to each one of them. Rosa wondered how she could keep up. In fact it looked like she couldn't, but she was still enjoying herself.
No grifix asked Rosa to dance. They were all too intimidated to ask the Queen. She kind of wished someone would ask her.
Valentina looked like she was about to ask her to dance, when a female grifix stoped her and Valentina had to turn around to dance with her. Rosa smiled.
Valentina was truly the embodyment of this holiday.
Welcome back to the event we're hosting for The Heartfire Holyday and Rosa's Day!
If you didn't know, The Heartfire Day is one of the Everfree Village's four major holidays, this one honoring the Spring Equinox, a day in which the grifix's magic is stronger than usual. Rosa's Day is a holiday in honor of Queen Rosa, and it is held on the day where most flowers bloom.
In this event, you will get the opportunity to contribute to the grifixverse lore and earn some unique rewards for it, such as items that give you access to exclusive traits!
The event will consist of three challenges spreat over six weeks (two weeks each). Each challenge will have special participation rewards and a classament, where you can earn points depending on your rank. At the end, a new classament will be made where every person's points will be added, and the winner, along with the following two spots, will earn special rewards!
The second challenge is...
come up with an animal species that lives in the grifixverse!
This means you will have to create an original species of animal that lives somewhere in the grifixverse, preferably around one of the Grifix Settlements.
The animals will be FAUNA, so they are not intelligent. Just animals.
Here's the stuff you will have to cover:
✦ You will have to draw it, but I will NOT judge based on the art. That will only be used for reference when added on the site. So it doesn't matter how good or terible the art is.
✦ You will have to give a detailed description of their appearance, covering the general traits that every individual of this species has.
✦ You will have to mention where they live (The Everfree Forest, The Frozen North, etc.)
✦ Describe the species' customs, diet, anything that you feel like it needs mentioning
✦ Bonus Points: describe the relationship the grifix have with this species: Do they use it for food, medicine, accessories? Are there legends regarding this animal?
PS: If you tell me the grifix keep them as pets you will get negative points. It's a cheap solution and I DO NOT LIKE IT. Get creative.
✦ You don't have to cover everything from the list, but it is preferable that you do. The more you cover, the more points you get. If the art provided is unclear, make sure you do provide a detailed description of the species' appearance. You do not loose points if the art is unlear as long as you provide the description.
✦ You can talk about the event, debate with other participants and ask me questions about it in the #loveliest-woods channel on the discord server. You're free to ask for help from anyone that's willing to help you, but I will not mendle in the discussion like I do with normal lore stuff, and I will not give suggestions. You will have to figure out what I will like and what I will find unfitting for the grifixverse lore, cause I won't say a thing!
✦ You can make AS MANY ENTRIES AS YOU WANT. And you will get points for each. The classament will be for the entries, not the people, so it is possible that one person will take up all of the first spots, or they will be mixed.
✦ Each animal species will take up ONE ENTRY. Post every entry separately in the Gallery, in the "Character Art" folder. Put the main animal image as "image" and the description as literature text, like in the image below:
Note that you can add more images of that same animal, create subspecies and stuff. In that case, add those as individual images in the gallery with no text, and add them in the text section of the main submission post (so it looks like that image that's in the text field in the image above). You WILL get more points if doing this. Feel free to ask for help with this.
✦ All of the species created will remain permanently in the grifixverse! Their lore will be polished, clear images of them will be made and they will all be introduced as FAUNA on the site. They will also be usable as sphirix shapes (legendary).
✦ Try to be creative and unrestrained by this! These things are fiction, so try to make them fun and interesting, you can give them supernatural abilites or anything you like!
1st Challenge Rewards:
✦ Every person that enters this challenge will be rewarded 5 x Raffle Tickets for one of the following character raffles (the first two go together):
You'll be able to pick what raffle each ticket goes to.
Raffles are hosted by Dexter_Tailor. They will decide the winner extraction date and other ways of earning tickets.
✦ Every person enters this challenge will be rewarded 100
✦ Every person enters this challenge will be rewarded 50 EXP
✦ 1st place will be earn 50 Event Points
✦ 2nd place will earn 30 Event Points
✦ 3rd place will earn 20 Event Points
✦ 4th to 8th places will earn 10 Event Points
✦ 8th and under will earn 5 Event Points
event Rewards (will be rewarded at the end of all three challenges):
✦ Every person that takes part in this event will be rewarded 1 x Sakura Blossom Brush. This item unlocks usage of the exclusive sakura shape freckles trait.
1st place will get:
✦ chance to pick one of these characters or a Tier 2 MYO Bundle or 10000 :
The other two characters will be given away in a raffle. If none of the characters will be picked, all three will be given away in raffles.
✦ 5000
✦ Full Rights for a year (doesn't cover GOD traits)
✦ 1000 EXP
2nd place will get:
✦ raffle tickets consisting of half of the total number of tickets for one of the characters above.
✦ 3000
✦ Full Rights for 6 months (doesn't cover GOD traits)
✦ 500 EXP
3rd place will get:
✦ raffle tickets consisting of 1/4 of the total number of tickets for one of the characters above.
✦ 1000
✦ 2x Tier 1 MYO Bundle
✦ 300 EXP
Reward | Amount |
![]() |
100 |
No skill increase.Stat & Level Rewards
0 user points