The Heartfire Day

Everfree Village Holidays 20 March 2023 - 21 March 2023
A day to celebrate the friendships and the love, replaces the pony “Hearts and Hooves” day, being celebrated during the Spring Equinox.

The Day

During the day, the grifix celebrate their friendships, giving each other gifts. This part of the holiday is mostly for the kids (which usually don’t take part in the second part of the holiday) but elders enjoy it too, cause friendship lasts forever, and you should always thank your friends for their friendship.

On this day all the grifix's light beans fall off, after having grown for the fast few weeks. The tradition says that the grifix must gift a light bean to the grifix they’re in love with.


The Night

After the sunset, a dance is held for all the lovers. There is usually when young couples get together, but the adults enjoy talking part of it too.

The whole village is decorated with much more lights than usual, and The Fire in the Center of the Village burns brighter than ever. The magic literally floats in the air making everything sparkle.

Associated Fauna