Prompt Categories


These are permanent prompts that can only be entered once. Most achievements are locked behind others, meaning you will have to complete them in a certain order. Achievements reward special items, MYO Tickets, currency and other stuff. Just by owning a grifix you can complete up to three achievements, so check them out.

Achievements are sorted in a couple categories you can tell apart based on the image they have:

grifixverse related

Everfree Village related

Lost tribe related

Divided grifix related

22-image.png Frozen Empire related

In order to obtain your achievement reward, click "submit prompt". A form will open. There you don't really have to fill anything, but if the prompt requires you to have obtained a character you can link that character by clicking "add character". If it required you to do anythoing else, you can link it in "submission URL". If you don't know what to link, just link your profile or nothing and an admin will check if you completed it or not.

Find the achievements here.

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