The Sphix

Everfree Village Lore
A new disease has been discovered fellow Grifix! Please, for your sake and many others, keep your gems cleaned!

The sphix is a disease caused by a mold that feeds with the grifix magic. As it grows inside the gem, it affects the sphirix at first and after that it starts affecting the grifix too. It affects a grifix when they don’t take care of themselves or their gem.

The Disease Has 2 Stages

Stage 1:

The grifix becomes infected. They start losing their magic, and their Sphirix starts to lose their sparkle, grow more pale, and look sick. It’s best for the infection to be treated in this stage.

The Cure:

The cure to stage 1 of the disease is simply adding Crystal pond water droplets to their gems and letting them sit until dry. Apply a White Clover and keep covered for 5 hours. Repeat until the infection is gone.


Stage 2:

The infection grows and it starts to affect the grifix too. They turn pale, move/act slower, and their gem becomes blackish with purple spots from the infection. Their gems don’t produce much magic now, and all the magic produced is consumed by the mold. The Sphirix has now disappeared until the infection is cured. This is extremely dangerous. It takes about 4 days to affect the gems in a way that can’t be reversed, those becoming unable to produce magic for good. After that happens, the Sphirix “dies”. The mold can’t feed anymore and subsides from the Grifix. The Grifix won’t be affected anymore, but they will be completely unable to use magic for the rest of their lives. A grifix that has gotten through this might die later due to the stress of not having their Sphirix alongside. Even if they survive and live, they would most probably lose their sanity or act in a completely different way then they did before.

The Cure:

The cure to the second stage of the disease is a remedy that must include White Clovers, Crystal Lavender Copper Leaflets, Miracle Gem Berries, and Powered Trem Ivy. Mix these ingredients and add one half to a bowl/cup of Crystal pond water while the other half is placed on the gems to help stop the infection. This takes about 2 days to fully heal.



How To Tell

Ways to tell if a fellow Grifix is suffering from Sphix is by their gems. Once the gems turn very black and purple hue spots are seen, the infection is on it's way.

You must be careful however, these molds are contagious and be extremely cautious when taking care of a sick Grifix. Inhaling or touching the mold by mistake will infect you as well.

As stated above, there are cures so the disease is not incurable. But still highly dangerous to each Grifix that does get infected.

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Their sphirix is another way to tell if a fellow friend is infected. Losing it's sparkle and becoming paler then the usual color. The sphirix however does not carry the disease, so interracting with it is not daangerous.

Associated Flora