
I tried making a grifix to pony comparison timeline. Because most of the events' time wasn’t specified in MLP, I tried to structure them in a way that would work in MLP and also fit with the Grifix lore well. I also considered the civilizations the pillars of equestria come from and asumed they lived around 2000 years ago. I made a lot of research on the MLP events and made sure I kept the right order, but I can’t say that the time period between the events is right because it was never specified. Some of the events' time is specified in the comics to be 1000 years ago, but those include Luna, which was supposed to be already banished to the moon by then, so I just decided to ignore that and put my own timeline (besides if everything happens 1000 years ago... That would be a BUSY year.).
Now I shall explain some events there, because if you haven’t read the comics you might understand nothing:


The Forest of Leota

This is a forest south of Ponyville which the mane six had to cross to get to the Changeling Kingdom in "The Return of Queen Chrysalis". The Changeling Kingdom had a different location than in season six.

It is not specified how close is the Changeling Kingdom to this forest, but the mane six has to get through it to get to the Kingdom, and the map shown in the comics doesn’t go too far from that forest. That’s why I believe the Changeling Kingdom was around the Forest of Leota.

Later, the Changelings are defeated by the mane six and imprisoned for 1000 years (though they escape later by tricking Twilight into opening the door to give them a book...). After that I believe they settled their new kingdom to where it is now.


Going back to the Forest of Leota: the grifixverse canon version of the story is that the grifix lived in that forest for a long time, until the changelings, a new born species (if you wanna know how they were born read “My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic” issue 5), decided to build their kingdom near that forest. The Grifix though they could keep living there even with that dangerous species around, and so they did so for around 100 years. They soon found out that the changelings could sense the love from the grifix, even though they couldn’t see them (that’s also why they couldn’t turn into them - they can’t turn into something they don’t know how it looks). The changelings killed many grifix but the remaining grifix were too afraid to leave (the forest was their home for a very long time). After a while they all felt that they couldn’t live anymore with the constant fear of being killed by a changeling. They were too afraid to go hunt and they were starving. That’s when Queen Starla decided that they couldn’t go on anymore. She gathered her grifix and they all left the forest, in the search of a new, safe, home.

Unfortunately, the stars didn’t give them a sign for hundreds of years, so the Grifix didn’t know where they should settle. They started losing hope and trust in the ancestors. This is where Cosmos came in.




(she was Discord’s crazy ex that took over the world but no one remembers.)

She was a draconequus that embodied malice, with a power far greater than Discord’s. Her and Discord had fun together, spreading chaos around Equestria. But Cosmos went too far even for Discord, hurting ponies and decided to completely take over Equestria. Discord then ran away from her and begged Celestia to stop her. It took both Celestia and Luna with the elements of harmony, Queen Novo, King Aspen, the King of Abyssinia and Discord to defeat her. They turned her into six stars and thrown her far in the sky. After that Discord erased everyone’s memory of her, fearing that someone might try to bring her back.

She appears in the “Cosmos” story arc of the comics. During the story, Discord specifies that the Everfree Forest is a result of her actions:


Now we can get in the grifix history again: after the Everfree Forest was created, the ancestors started speaking again to the healers, telling them about this new forest, where no one will ever find them, and they can live peacefully as long as they find a way to survive the dangerous life forms that populate the forest. So that’s where the grifix, after hundreds of years of migrating around Equestria in search of a safe home, finally found peace and rest. Queen Starla ruled for another couple hundred years, making sure that the grifix home was safe and there were no threats, before she could finally retire, leaving the village to new rulers.

Now that I clarified every comic reference I made, I shall get into some events in the pony history you all should know about, but perhaps wonder what the grifix know and think of them.


Nightmare Moon


The battle between the Sun and the Moon happened in the Castle of the Two Sisters, therefore in the Everfree Forest. I guess it’s pretty clear that the grifix noticed the moon covering the sun and two of the most powerful magical beings fighting over the sky... most importantly, Eclipsa, who was about to become a Queen very soon, happened to be very close to the castle. She always admired the pony culture and how advanced they were. When she saw the two sisters fighting, she couldn’t help but wanting to know more about it. As she got closer, she noticed how alike Ngithmare Moon and she were. She listened to the sister’s dialogue and heard everything Luna wanted to do after taking over Equestria. Eclipsa found all that to embody perfection. Until that day, she wasn’t sure of what she would bring new as a queen. But when she heard Nightmare Moon talking of her image of Equestria she knew right away that that was what she was meant to do in the village. She couldn’t bring eternal darkness, but she could do everything else. A Queen wasn’t supposed to share the throne, a Queen was supposed to be worshipped. She was not going to step on the same ground as her subjects, she was not going to chat with them at the fire or eat the same food as them. She was going to build a powerful kingdom, with an even more powerful queen, one that everyone would bow to, one that everyone would fear.

She knew now what she was going to do as a Queen. And even the stars will fear her name!


Leaving Eclipsa aside, perhaps you wonder what do the common grifix think of The Story of the Two Sisters? Well they use it pretty much the same as the ponies, telling it to the colts and fillies for them to understand the importance of sharing and showing love to those you care for.


The Pony of Shadows


The background of this story didn’t happen in the Everfree Forest, so the Grifix are unaware of who Stygian or the Pillars were, what did they do or why it came to The Pony of Shadows. But they do know about the existence of a dark pony that once hunted the forest around The Castle of the Two Sisters. Even if it was for a short time, they did notice it’s presence and it was enough for them to turn it into a story to keep the fillies away from that dangerous place. So every little grifix knows they should not approach the Castle, for a dark pony awaits there, being ready to grab anyone getting too close.

The Castle of the Two Sisters and The Tree of Harmony (or... Treehouse of Harmony?)


All the grifix know about these places, but they mostly treat them with disinterest, like any pony thing. Of course the fillies are fascinated about them, like they are about anything they’re forbidden to do, but that’s pretty much all. Besides, the village is in the exact opposite part of the forest so it’s pretty far. They wouldn’t go there without a reason.
