Selenara's Day

Everfree Village Holidays 5 May 2023 - 6 May 2023
A day to celebrate the past, present and future.

It takes place at the border between Spring and Summer. This day is dedicated all to the present and future. And because Selenara loves children, it is especially enjoyable for them (not that the other Grifix don’t enjoy it). On this day the grifix hold a fair, where all the grifix can have fun doing all kinds of stuff! There are sweets and snacks, games and stands with baskets, traditional clothes, jewelry and other stuff. For most kids, this may be the favorite holiday! The queen also enjoys it very much, spending all of her day playing with the kids and enjoying the fair. This day she’s completely off-duty. There isn’t a specific tradition for what to sell at the fair, every grifix can sell whatever they want, or prepare whatever attraction they may think of.

When the sun is at its highest point, there is held a ceremony for the females that got through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony at the last Great Harvest Holiday. Those receive some sort of embroidered rug, which they can use to cover benches, or put in the wall for decorative purposes. The rug is beautifully decorated with traditional embroidery or images from legends, history of everfree creatures embroidered on it. The images on those rugs are something that would represent the grifix, or their favorite legend or something special for them. The old females weave those since the Great Harvest Holiday for every female that got through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony. The females they keep them for all of their lives, somewhere on the wall in their house, or on the bench, or perhaps they cover the bed with it during the day or other stuff like that. It’s a sign of maturity, just like the first weapons are for the new warriors.

The fair goes on the whole day, from sunrise till sunset, but when it’s over, all the fillies are exhausted and sleep like never before.