The Sky Burial

Divided Camp Holidays
Funerary customs of the divided grifix

The grifix live their life taking from nature and from other animals. Any dead body will help another survive. No corpse goes to waste in the Gorge, there is always something that will prosper from the dead. Why should the grifix dead be any different? The Divided Grifix take the deceased ones to a high place with a ceremony, and after that they leave the corpse there, covered in whatever flowers they can find in the rocky gorge. If it’s winter, they put rocks they find pretty on the corpse, and a bit of snow, but they don’t cover it. After that they leave, so the vultures and other animals can gather and feed from the corpse. This way, after taking from nature their whole life, they return what they can back to it, as a way of thanking the world for allowing them to live so far.

You may recognize this practice from the Tibetan buddhists, I always found it such an interesting practice. And I believe it fits the divided grifix very well  (though it’s not exactly the same).