The Water Passing Ceremony

Lost Tribe Holidays
Funerary customs of the Lost Tribe

When a Lost Tribe grifix dies, the tribe will build a boat or a raft, depending on the deceased's social status, on which they will place the body under a pile of hay and dry wood, sometimes with important objects for the deceased. They will then push the raft onto whatever water they find close and an important grifix for the deceased (a member of the family or a friend) will fire a flaming arrow at it, burning the body.

It is believed that crossing the water will lead the soul to the First Warriors. The body and objects are burned to set free the soul from any earthly bindings.


Grifix believe that having their death ceremony held on the Origin Shore is much more honourable than anywhere else. Stubborn elders will not die anywhere else and drop dead the moment they reach the Origin Shore out of pure will power. Some will refuse to leave if they believe they will die the next 7 years, so sometimes members of their family will have to stay with them on the Origin Shore and wait for the Tribe’s return.

If there is no water next to where a grifix died, their body will be simply burned on the ground, but that is considered very humiliating for the deceased. Sometimes the family will refuse to hold the ceremony there, and carry the body around until they find some water, risking the well being of the tribe by attracting insects that carry diseases or animals that feed on corpses.


Thanks to CrystalIzzy77 for the large contribution on this lore piece