The Flame Rising Ceremony

Everfree Village Holidays
Funerary customs of the Everfree Village
This is the Everfree Village’s funerary ceremony. The mourning grifjx gather in an opening in the forest where the body of the deceased is put on the ground, covered by the Healer in special plants. The ceremonies are always accompanied by the Healer and the Queen.
The body is set aflame by the magic of the Healer, the flames absorbing remains of the deceased’s magic from their body and turning into the same color as their magic due to the plants it is covered in.
Then, the healer would start dancing around the body, moving as if she was just another flame in the fire. 
The Flame Dance is, however, not just a simple dance, but a spell that requires moving. It cannot be performed without flame magic, which is a very hard to master kind magic, and requires very strong magic capabilities. It is quite draining for the Healer.
Prior to Eclipsa’s reign, the Flame Dance used to be performed by Flame Grifix, which were specially trained grifix with flame fluffs. For grifix with flame fluffs, Flame Magic is much easier than for others. Eclipsa, however, didn’t like having these grifix learn such powerful magic so she forbade those practices and the task of doing the dance fell onto the Healer.
Recently, a new flame grifix has been found in the Village and now she can perform the dance instead of the Healer. Healers, however, still need to learn the dance and be able to perform it, so sometimes the Flame Grifix is joined by the Healer Apprentice and the two dance together around the fire. The dance is even more impressive when performed by two grifix at once.
The dance is very spectacular, and can only be performed if it is accompanied by flame magic. Most grifix don’t know this, as it is not exactly obvious, but if one were to try performing the dance without the Flame Magic they would fail.