Umbra's Day

Everfree Village Holidays 12 October 2022 - 13 October 2022
A day dedicated all to warriors and their loyalty to the village.

A day dedicated all to warriors and their loyalty to the village. Takes place soon after The Great Harvest Holiday. All the warriors compete in a tournament fighting to find out which is the best warrior that year. The new warriors that just got through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony that year don’t take part in that tournament, but have one of their own. Right before that, they receive their weapons during the Weapon Ceremony. Their weapons are crafted by themselves with materials gathered together with the other new warriors, right after the Great Harvest Holiday. The weapons are crafted a while before Umbra’s Day, but it is now that they officially receive them. Later they might change their weapons if they break or something, but their first weapons deserve a ceremony!

After they receive their weapons they fight to see which one is the best with their new weapons.

The females and elders watch the fights cheering on their favorite warrior, treating their wounds and bringing a lot of food to the winner. (The others get food too obviously... but the winner gets the best food.)

Even though the fights of the new warriors don’t last very long (cause they’re not so many), the other tournament may last the whole day. All the grifix are excited about it so they don’t do anything else.