The Starfell Clan (Lost Tribe Faction)

Lost Tribe Faction

Can be joined by characters.


the lost tribe


Tribal Masks

Must have the crowned eye symbol on the outfit or mask

Celestial Maid outfit

Moonfallen Maid outfit

Sunfallen Maid outfit


Name must be mineral/rock or sky related

✦ OPEN ✦

you can create characters part of this faction freely

They are an ancient family descending directly from The First Healer, Bluebell. They take pride in their pure blood and only breed with other Clan grifix. In the Tribe hierarchy, they would be under the healers but their blood legacy earns them a lot of respect. Even though they are neither warriors nor healers, they do have a purpose and that is providing pure blood queens and serving the royals. Whenever a new king steps up, they will marry a female from the Starfell Clan, which has been raised especially for that. The other young females of the Clan become servants for the Queen and the Priestess. The Clan is so conservative, as they never show their face in front of a grifix from outside the Clan, excepting the Priestess. If someone else were to see their face, most of the Clan grifix would feel threatened and panic. Their names are based on lifeless things, such as rocks, minerals and celestial objects. They never take off their masks outside of their tent.

The crowned eye symbol

The Starfell Clan's symbol is the crowned eye, a symbol which is only worn by royalty in the Tribe.

Most Starfell Grifix have this symbol somewhere on their clothing or mask, and so do all Kings of the Tribe and the Priestess.

THE Head of the starfell clan❈❈

Currently Freezing Sun

Represents and speaks for the whole tribe, as well as makes decisions for them.



Mostly males and females that are higher in the hierarchy. They must only obey the Head of the Clan and have no other duty then raise Starfell Maidens, Starfell Maids and Celestial Maids.


Sunfallen maids❈❈

A select few females that work for serving the Queen, chosen from the Starfell Clan. They are the only grifix that are allowed to see her face besides the king. When they are not working, their social status is the lowest of the tribe, but as long as they are on duty they are respected, being covered by the word of the king and Queen. If one were fired, she would be killed by the king’s order or would receive such a low status as any Grifix could kill her without anybody caring about it.

The sunfallen maid uniform:

Moonfallen maids❈❈

They are similar to the Sunfallen Maids, except they serve the Starfell Maiden instead of the Queen.

The moonfallen maid uniform:

celestial maids❈❈

They are mostly the same as the Starfell Maids, but for the Priestess. They are the only otther grifix allowed to go into sacred places in order to assist her.

The celestial maid uniform:

Clarification on inbreeding

Why are the Starfell Clan grifix still... living and mostly healthy, despite practicing incest for around 2000 years? Well as you might know, the Grifix breed through magic. They also live naturally in very small communities so incest doesn’t affect them as much. But still, they don’t practice it with their close relatives. It’s weird and they wouldn’t usually do it. So in conclusion to that, the Grifix are not affected by incest but it’s still mostly prohibited for them, out of moral matters.

But what did the thousands years of incest do to this family? Well one effect is that they are usually more ill than other grifix and their immunity is not very strong. Albinism is also a pretty common encounter for them. In fact it feels like with every generation their color fades more. But there is one other effect, which only rarely pops up at the Clan grifix. Sometimes, a grifix is born with a special ability: seeing sphirix. It’s a rare ability but they never know how the tribe would react to it. Some grifix with this ability have been killed by the other grifix, some punished by the First Warriors for having too much power, while others learned to use this ability and rise through the Tribe hierarchy by pleasing the First Warriors. Most of them however... keep it a secret even to fellow Clan grifix.


Marrying outside of the clan

What if a Clan grifix falls in love with a grifix who is not from the Clan?

Then they can choose to leave the Clan. They lose their legacy and become a warrior or a healer. They are looked down upon, banned from the Clan and aren't allowed to wear the Crowned Eye anymore.

Faction Ranks


Head of the Starfell Clan

TRIBE-199: Freezing Sun

Sunfallen Maids

TRIBE-314: Flamepelt, TRIBE-307: Sandstone, TRIBE-315: Sonata

Moonfallen Maids

TRIBE-288: Quartz, TRIBE-285: Vega, TRIBE-284: Charoite

Celestial Maids

TRIBE-274: Sirius

Member Ranks

Freefallen (0 Standing)

Members: 20 ・ See All

Associated Location