

These birds are pests that have appeared prior to the cataclysm, when Chrysalis re-built her kingdom. They seemed to act as scouts for Chrysalis, and she could see through their eyes. After the Great Cataclysm, these birds began to roam Equestria aimlessly as changelings did not want them around and they didn't listen to anybody anyway so they were pointless to keep around.

They can change their shape for short periods of time, which deems it mostly useless, but it proved to be a great defense mechanism as they can turn into a big scary animal for a few seconds to scare predators off. They can also change their color similarily to a chameleon in order to blend in with their surroundings.

Like changelings, they consume love, but because of their lack of sentience they were unable to evolve like changelings did, so they still rely on love to live. They are less dangerous than changelings because they do not need such big quantities of love.

Their nests and colonies always get covered in green slime because they use it to stick their eggs to cielings. That is very damaging to the structure of a building so they are always chased out of wherever they decide to nest. Most wild colonies occupy caves, or in lack of anything better, forests which they eventually suck all life out of and they end up completely dry and covered in slime.

They live in colonies which they fill with eggs hanged using slime they produce with their saliva. They have no mating season, mating all year long.

Colonies are very dangerous when close to settlements, cause if changewings gang up on a love source they will cover it in slime and transport it to their colony where they will suck up all the love in the span of several days, until the victim dies.


Grifix will hunt them anytime they find one, for they know how dangerous it is if they form a colony close, or even worse, in the Frozen Empire.

They are, unfortunately, poisonous to eat, but parts of their body can be used for various thingss, such as the wings that can be used for clothing or their beaks that can be used for weapons.


Due to their close resemblance to Changelings, there are many wild theories going around the Frozen Empire about how they appeared. The wildest theory is that a Changeling fell in love with a different kind of bird and shapeshifted into that bird species. Then, these two - the bird and the changeling while shapeshifted to the same species - mated, and changewings came out of it. 

They were likely just created by Chrysalis for surveilance tho.


Creator: MidnightStar

[Lo-W] Changeling Birds

Associated Location