
Dangerous creature living in the Everfree Forest, being half chicken, half snake. It's stare can petrify upon eye contact. It does possess magic. It can reverse the petrification on will, but it rarely does so. The petrification is permanent unless reversed by the cockatrice or magic potions.
Everfree Village rifix often get petrified by them, it's a rather common encounter. Usually they are found by other grifix and brought back to the village, where the healer takes care of them.
Grifix from the Lost Tribe encounter them sometimes as well. But for them it's a rather rare occurence. They do have a cure for it.
Best prevention against cockatrices are mirrors. Some warriors wear reflective metal armor when fighting them.
On trifix, the petrification is only temporary, lasting usually for a few hours. If a trifix has timbermist on, they can not be petrified. If a cockatrice tries to petrify a trifix with the evermist trait while they have their timbermist on, the spell can be reversed and the cockatrice will get petrified.