Gemsculpt Bird


The Gemsculpt Birds evolved to survive in the Frozen North by not relying on the usual food sources, obtaining their nutrients from rocks which they break with their beaks after digging them up from under snow.

They use a special part of their beaks to break stone, which is reinforced and very hard. If their diet lacks in minerals, that part will weaken and it can break causing harm to the bird, which will then be unable to feed and will die unless they find soft dirt to consume. Similarily, babies do not have that part fully developed so parents must bring dirt and sand which isseek forich in minerals to the babies for them to quickly develop that part of their beak and for it to be strong enough to break hard rocks.

Unlike most polar birds, the gemsculpt birds can't walk on snow. Their legs are long and covered in feathers so the bird's body can stay above the snow while their legs touch the ground and seek rocks. The leg feathers protect the legs from the cold snow. When they walk around in snow, only their upper side of the body is visible, making them look like swans swimming on the snow surface.

Depending on the season, they can be found alone or in flocks. They spend the nesting season in pairs, one guarding the nest while the other seeks food for themselves and their partner. They spend the winter in flocks, gathering where many gemsculpt birds are because it usually signifies a place with rocks which are rich in nutrients.

They have a mild temperament and won't attack unless provoked. Their sharp beaks are very dangerously. Getting hit by one is like getting his by a pickaxe and they can easily kill with a single well aimed hit. That's why hunters only kill them with arrows from afar, because the rest of the flock will simply fly away and it's the safest way to hunt them.

They have two pairs of eyes. It's unknown why, but it may have something to do with their diurnal lifestyle. Most polar animals are nocturnal, so it's believed their strange eyes are a way to adapt to the reflections of the sun on the snow which can be blindly to most. They can still see in the darkness, because otherwise they'd be completely blind during the long polar nights.

Their voice is a light yelp. They attract mates by yelping in a certain tune. They lay 3 eggs which are about as big as a watermelon and take care of their young until their hard beaks are developed and they can consume hard rocks. Babies only open their second pair of eyes after they become able to feed on their own.

When threatened they will stand right where they are with their wings spread wide. The sun creates reflections through their feathers which can blind whoever attacks them. If the threat doesn't back down, they will strike with their beaks. Their name comes from the fact that they look like a sculpture made of gems when under the sun.


Grifix use their feathers to make items, mainly fountain pens.

Mining expeditions will sometimes follow their flocks to find gems they dig.


Creator: Emizu_TH

[Lo-W] Create a bird species challenge: Moonsculpt bird

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