The Lost Grifix


Many suns and moons ago, there were a few Grifix who at birth were mutated. They had two Sphirix. Over time, these mutated Grifix grew violent. Not participating in ceremonies, never helping fellow Grifix, abused their power. On Ancestors Day, these Grifix each yelled out "Death to the Queen!" and proceeded to murder. After they were apprehended, the Healer took a look at these Grifix but was surprised to find out that she couldn't do anything about them. After the Queen was told this, she decided to exile each one from the village. It's said that they traveled for one week before each one of them started to get sick and die. To prevent the left ones from dying, they each settled past Two-Way Cliff, using the gems there to stay alive by eating them. Not realizing how much more terrible it could get, they kept eating the unknown gems. Their own gems started to crack and break off, making them violent, deadly, vicious, and insane. 
The Legend says that if any Grifix were to venture out of the Village and past Two-Way Cliff, a strange fog would fill the area causing the Grifix to lose all sense of direction, becoming lost with no way out, eventually falling into Takeaway Lake. The lake'ss water is filled with crystallized blood of the dead lost Grifix. The grifix's gems would start to crack and break off causing them to lose their mind and go insane. Soon enough the lost one's appear, attracted by the sound of gems landing in the lake's water. With swift and quick movement, the Grifix is taken out of the water and murdered by the Lost One's.