The Spirits of the Everdeep Lake

You wonder what lies under the dark surf of the water…

There are two strange fish-like ponies living in the lake. One is a mysterious but friendly creature, whom if you meet would talk to you. Chat a bit with her and tell her a story and she will be pleased and you will have good fortune for the year to come. The other, that lives in the dark depths of the lake, will hurt you if you would step (or rather swim) in her territory. The last one may hold dark secrets of everything and anything that ever happened in this forest, but won’t tell anyone for free. Bring her a good offer and you may make her let you leave her territory without harm. Bring her another offer and she may let you talk to her. Bring her the third offer and she will tell you the secret you want to know. But once you gave her all the three offers, she won’t accept another thing from you - and you must leave. No other secret she shall tell you for the rest of your life, and no other time she shall spare you after setting foot in her waters.