Blood-Drop is a flower with big white petals sprinkled with red spots. The flower blooms in late summer only in the Everfree Forest and it’s very rare. During that time the healers rely on their strong smell to find it and spend a lot of time searching the forest for as many flowers as possible. All the grifix, from the smallest filly to the strongest warrior know that if it happens to step over one accidentally in the forest they have to take it to the healers as soon as possible. It’s hard, but the healers manage somehow to build a supply of this flower, which they dry and keep in dry places for the winter. They even collect it's seeds in order to spread them around the forest and hope that as many of them will grow. They mark the places where the flowers were found last summer, for those might be the best for the seeds to sprout.
The Blood-Drop serves a a cure to the Throat Tear/Bleed illness.
When it comes to using it, the healers boil the flower in water and make a tea or soup from it, which the ill grifix has to drink.
Because of the flower being so rare and the supply so small, the healers use the flower only in throat-bleed cases or advanced throat-tear cases.
Creator: kazoowary