

The Glowtus are plants similar to water lilies that grow on cliffs in wet areas, like near waterfalls. 

They were important medical plants in the Forest of Leota that the grifix in the Old Kingdom would always use, and they even evolved to live off of grifix magic (because rocks had little “energy” to give to their roots, so they adapted to absorb magic from the environment, and because they shared the forest with the grifix they began to relay on the grifix’s magic over the centuries.

When the Old Kingdom grifix left after the Changeling attack, they didn’t have time to take any plants with them. When the First Warriors found the empty village, Bluebell went to get supplies to use on their journey to find Starla and the other grifix, and so she took some of the glowtuses with her.
Back in the Old Kingdom, the lotuses were growing on a cave wall, but bluebell had to find an alternative since they were now traveling, and so she developed ways of growing those plants by hanging them onto tents, which is how they are grown now, especially on healers tents.

The Glowtus is used by the Lost Tribe to celebrate the deaths of their fallen. They have a day in which they praise the works and efforts of the fallen and dead of their tribe. Grifix grow their own over the years since this plant is magical and rarely dies soon. Once this day is celebrated, the loved ones of the dead grifix uproot the Glowtus and set it into another nearby lake. The Glowtus slowly loses its light, and the sparkles of its insides fly away, creating a spectacle of lights floating into the air.

Each Glowtus looks slightly different, and a legend formed saying that the Glowtus reflects the soul of the grifix who grows it. In reality, it is quite true, because it lives off of its grifix's magic, which reflects the grifix's soul, so it shapes around the information carried by the magic.

Glowtus have glowing insides, with sparkles and orbs. Glowtus have a long lifespan if kept around grifix settlements, but it is very hard for them to survive outside. They have a very bitter taste, and it is not suitable for consumption.


Creator: RubyNoble1

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