Rewind Flower


The Rewind Flower only grows in the Frozen North. It usually grows out of ice cracks or just on top of ice. Rewind flowers have a blue hue and cyan stem, and the flowers can glow. The plant itself can survive up to 5 years in the wild and longer if taken care of. They pollinate through their petals which are blown by the wind. Petals can survive up to 3 days after leaving the flower itself. You can only find one plant in the area as this plant’s unique smell is able to kill other rewind flowers growing near it.

It relies on ice to survive, as it enjoys the cooling effect that the ice brings. Scholars did try to plant the flower on different surfaces, but all of the plants died off within a period of time depending on its cooling effect. Scholars also tested what kind of effect the rewind flower will bring and obtained very useful results.

This plant will only grow three flowers. These flowers are bioluminescent, yet one specific flower always looks like it's on the verge of withering. They also smell like mint and jasmine combined.

Upon ingesting one of the healthy flowers, either boiled in water or eating it raw, your senses will be numbed, and will experience hallucinations of the past (disregarding positive or negative memories). The effects get stronger if you ingest more flowers from the same plant. Eating the flowers from different plants will negate its effect.

Eating the withering flower on its own will cause nausea and intense hallucinations, but not only that if someone mentally weak hallucinates about their bad/negative past, they might just die due to mind break. When all three flowers from the same plant are consumed, mental age will regress to a random point (perhaps there is a pattern, but scholars can’t research this further), losing memories of their life experiences. Another side effect is that hallucinations will become more and more “real”.

Aside from all these effects, the rewind flower can be a great housing plant. Herbalists are trying to remove its effects and make it a decorative flower, but there isn’t any news about it so far. But for now, it's a restricted plant and you can only either find it in the wild, or within the herbalist guild’s parameters.


Creator: Emizu_TH

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