Kraken's Lure

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

A shipwreck in the most unusual of places...

You stare at the unusual sight in front of you. A boat...? On a mountain cliff. Surely you can see the port of the Fishing Guild from here if you fly a bit over the surrounding buildings, but still... how you a ship sink... up a mountain??? And it looks othing like the few, small grifix ships they use fir fishing. It's huge compared to those. And old...

You heard that the boat was probably there from before the Empire. It was in fact, a pony fishing vessel. The freezing cold kept it from rotting for thousands of years before the Empire settled over there, and soon enough, grifix started to use it for various things, and luckily, they took care of the wood and made sure it didn't rot and crumble to pieces.

Now a wooden sign swings above the door: Kraken's Lure. The name starts to make sense as soon as you notice your sphirix shying away, hiding behind your ear. He says that there is a giant octopus covering the boat. And he begs you not to go in there. But the thrill that fills you when your shared emotions make you tremble lures you inside...


Inside it's dark, only a dim green glow fills the room - you imagine it's from the giant octopus sphirix, which you can't see, but it's big enough for it's glow to fill the room. The room is filled with smoke, and all sorts of weird smells - none particularily pleasant. You soon start to feel dizzy, so you sit down on a side chair, waiting for an entertainer to serve you. After this moment, you can't seem to remember a thing...


The Kraken's Lure is an Entertainment House based on the legend of the sirens that lure sailors to their death through their singing. Therefore, the entertainers in this house are called "sirens" and they often dress acccordingly, with ripped pieces of clothing, fishnets, seashells and other such things. Inside they often burn various drugs that help induce high sensations onto the customers - the sirens grew up there. They are imune. They often use singing to induce high sensations as well, but they also have a large collection of sea shanties gathered from old pony books, which customers seem to really enjoy singing to, especially after drinking a bunch of sake.

The Kraaken's Lure is a pretty big entertainment house, despite most being afraid to go in there. Mostly really messed up grifix go in there just to feel something. And do not freit, cause even if someone developed immunity to all the drugs and booze - they have one more attraction that is sure to make anybody feel something. 

In the back room of the guild there is a small pool of water. When customers are taken there, the sirens will push their head underwater and hold them there against all of their struggles. Fear, terror, imminent death - all building up until hypoxic euphoria hits, after which they'll be pulled out and tossed like a rag onto the deck. 

Few grifix walk out of that place before the morning, they usually all fall asleep sometime during the night, only to wake up in the morning robbed of every valuable thing they might've had on them - and no siren to be seen, just other confused customers. They can only walk home, having no recollection of the night before.

So why would one even return here...? maybe it's just... the Krake's lure.

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