Medics Guild
Empire Guild inside The Frozen Empire
Can be home to characters.

Credits: @kazoowary provided most of the information in here and designed most of the outfits and some of the symbols, huge thanks for the help!!!
Symbols: Blood-tear flower, the red cross is very rarely used (the only reason it is used is because of old medical books from ponies that had it on there)
Architecture: Mainly gothic/neo-gothic architecture, a lot of crocket elements, because they resemble blood-tear leaves.
Patron Goddess: Mother
Mother is the same goddess as in the old Divided Mythology. Because she was a caretaker for the sick and those who passed back in the Divided Grifix Camp, her story survived as a caretaker for the sick in the Frozen Empire, and she is now the patron goddess of the Medics Guild.
The Medics Guild is build in a large open area that provides recreational space, and grifix can access the building easily both from the ground and from above, without getting lost in small narrow streets like in the rest of the Empire. The buildings have clear symbols on all walls and rooftops, so grifix can easily recognize them regardless of which direction they’re coming from.
The big open space is made into a recreational garden, mostly filled with statues, sculptures and the few plants or fungi that grow in the Empire. There are also few greenhouses where some herbalists take care of medicinal plants that must be easily accessible for the medics. Patients are allowed to go into the greenhouses and look at the plants, but not touch them. In the middle of the garden there is a fountain with a statue of Mother.
The garden is surrounded by the Healing Houses (Hospitals), each building for a different underguild (department).
Aside from the Guild Emblem, the Medics Guild has a bunch of symbols that represent each underguild (department). They are placed on the members of guild so grifix can know which Healing House they are part of, as well as medical equipment so things do not get lost.
There is also one symbol that is used for things that are related to the Medics Guild without being related to a certain Underguild/Healing House. This symbol is worn by the Headmaster of the Medics Guild and the Headmaster's Assistants:
The symbols come in a two color version and a one color version, feel free to use any of them. The images cover both so you can simply save the image and use whichever you want.
Underguilds (Departments)
✙ Healing of Trauma ✙
(Traumatology Department)
For grifix with different traumas like broken limbs, different fractures, grifix who need surgical intervention, etc.
Extra info (don't have to read, only if you are curious):
A special feature of this Healing House is the presence of an operating unit and a dressing room.
In the operating room, everything should be in absolute sterility: the clothes of the surgeon, his assistants, the operating nurses, the anesthesiologist and the anesthesiologist nurse, all the instruments and the operating room itself.
Before entering the operating room, the nurse assistant dresses the surgeon in a sterile robe and gloves.
The dressing room has one appointment - wound dressings.
✙ Healing of body ✙
(Therapeutic Department)
This Healing House deals with "internal diseases". They will provide care for acute diseases (such as: bronchitis, pneumonia, etc) as well as with chronic (cholecystitis, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.).
✙ Healing of Nervi ✙
(Neurology Department)
They handle illnesses related to nervi (the nervous system), such as cerebral attacks and strokes of the brain, etc. (grifix that are sometimes in vegetative state, or have trouble moving in this stage), or diseases involving the spine nerves, paralysis or other such things.
✙ Healing of heart ✙
(Cardiology Department)
They deal with diseases involving the heart, arteries, veins and blood.
✙ Healing of Infections ✙
The furthest building is the infectious diseases department for the grifix with highly contagious infections, like pneumonia, intestinal infections, etc. It has two floors: one is for adults, second is for kids.
Healing of Infections Patient Wards (don't have to read, only if you are curious):
The wards in the Healing of Infections Underguild are arranged differently from other Healing Houses. Here the wards are isolated and they are called boxes. Before entering the ward itself, the doctors and nurses must disinfect their paws in a special room.
There are special doors for serving food, the nurse serves it through this door and leaves it on the table, when the patients eat, they leave the dishes on the same table, where the nurse can pick it up.
Each box has an exit to the outside and another small room and also a window for observing patients without entering the box.
This is all necessary to minimize contacts between staff and patients as well as between patients themselves.
Those entering the boxes must wear protective clothing, mask and gloves.
Doctors outfit:
Nurse Outfit:
✙ Healing of soul ✙
(Sphirix/Magic/Mental Department)
This Healing House is for sphirix, mental and magic related illnesses. Since mental trauma affects the sphirix and the other way around, they are kept within the same underguild.
Sphirix/Magic originating diseases are kept on the second floor, while mental originating diseases are kept on the first. It is based on the origin of the disease, since a lot of those spiral into affecting both mental and sphirix health on a grifix.
✙ Healing of Cubs ✙
Cubs have their own Healing House because their immune system is poorly developed and they can’t be with the adults (one of their parents is allowed to be there with their child if they don't have health problems).
✙ Healing of Eggs ✙
Between the Healing of Cubs House and the Orphanage there is the Healing of Eggs House. This is for grifix who have trouble with their eggs: grifix that are too weak to fuel their eggs with magic, eggs that are behaving strangely and so on. This is also where grifix bring their newly hatched cubs to get a check-up and make sure they are healthy.
There is also a place for eggs that have been abandoned or can’t be properly fueled by the parents. They are treated with a special potion that will allow them to absorb magic from any grifix, and placed in a special room, or landed out for adoption, or foster homes. If the egg is very young at that stage, the kid will actually be biologically the new parents’, because it will absorb their magic instead. Those that aren’t adopted are placed in a special room with volunteers. The volunteers are grifix with powerful magic flow that come and stay in the room for a few hours, letting their magic flow into the eggs. One must have strong magic flow for this, otherwise it can be extremely draining. And they can only stay there for a few hours, because the eggs will otherwise suck them dry. There must always be someone in there, so the Healing of Eggs underguild is always looking for volunteers for this.
Fostering or getting them adopted is better, since that will ensure a consistent magic fueling for the egg, and won’t switch grifix as much. That ensures the egg will be more stable and the cub more healthy.
✙ Mother’s Warmth ✙
(Nursing Home)
Further away from the other buildings there is the Mother’s Warmth underguild, close to the orphanage. This is a nursing home for old grifix who have no one to care for them. The place has its own garden where elders can come out. That is to keep them away from the sick, for most of those living here are healthy. Sometimes children from the orphanage come here too, supervised. Old grifix enjoy their companionship and can end up playing very important roles in the little ones’ lives, bonding with them and serving as family members.
The name of the underguild refers to the patron goddess of the Medics Guild, Mother, who is believed to take care of those who are sick and those who pass away. In a way, those who reside in this house are closer to meeting her, closer to her warmth.
✙ The Red Tear Orphanage ✙
Close to Mother’s Warmth there is an orphanage, in a different building close by. While the orphanage falls under the Medics Guild jurisdiction, most of the workers there are Clerics. There is a church nearby and the buildings in which the Clerics live are very close to the orphanage, and some of them actually live in it to watch over the kids at night.
✙ Wings of help ✙
(Ambulance Service)
An underguild that deals with transporting patients. They have carts they drag around and they can fly with. In worst cases, where the patient needs constant monitoring during the transportation there are bigger carriages dragged by giant pigeons where doctors can stay in to watch over the patient.
This guild has outposts in every Guild and major Underguild of the Empire, usually residing in the Merchants Offices, that are usually at the center of those guilds. The medics in there can provide quick medical care, and in case of need of transportation they will send out an alarm to the Medics Guild - either fly themselves or send the delivery grifix to call an flying carriage (ambulance). If the delivery grifix is away, they will send any fast flying grifix they can find, with a note stating the situation.
hierarchy in underguilds
Medical Staff must have a tidy appearance, wearing their uniforms, trimming their claws and tying their hair back, covering it as much as possible. Perfume is not allowed, and accessories must be kept to a minimum (will allow them for the sake of fun designs, but if you wanna keep it more realistic they shouldn’t wear accessories in their work outfit).
All medic guild members must wear the symbol of their respective Healing House/Underguild on their outfit while at work, including those with no outfit/free outfit.
All medic guild members must fulfill their duties and they are all responsible for the lives of patients, as well as for the healing house equipment.
✙ Underguild Headmaster
- No outfit/free outfit. They were usually doctors in the past but now they don’t have time to work like that. Optional you can draw them in the outfit required by their unnderguild in the reference but it’s not required.
Mostly deals with the management of the Healing House and Underguild.
✙ Headmaster Assistant
- No outfit/free outfit
Helps the headmaster with paperwork and stuff.
✙ doctors
- Wears outfit required by their respective underguild (department).
They develop individual treatment plans, give nurses medical appointments: what medication to treat, what needs to be canceled, what tests to conduct, etc.
✙ senior nurse
- Wears outfit required by their respective underguild (department).
Supervises the work of nurses and disciples, works with various documentation and does different work like other nurses. a senior nurse and one doctor look after their department and are responsible for it and their patients.
✙ nurses
- Wears outfit required by their respective underguild (department).
They have different positions:
Ward Nurse - takes care of patients, conducts hygienic care, works with various documentation at the post and performs doctor's appointments.
Procedural Nurse - makes various injections, puts ivs, monitors medications.
✙ disciples
- Wears outfit required by their respective underguild, but outfit modifications are more free (department).
They clean the wards, wash the floors, do the cleaning in healing houses in short and also help nurses to take care about patients.
How Healing Houses (hospitals) work:
All Healing Houses have an emergency/reception room, a place where patients can seek help or where the Flying Carriages take patients. doctors conduct examinations of incoming patients there, and nurses provide sanitary care for them if necessary.
Underguild Headmasters and Lead Nurses have their own offices, while the other members of the underguild have staff rooms they can rest in.
Each underguild has a canteen managed by members of the Merchant Neighborhood Office (Foodgivers) where patients or nurses can come and eat. If the patient cannot walk, food is delivered directly to their bed.
There is also a special room for sterilizing reusable instruments using boiling steam and heat. This ensures that everything is clean.
The patients wards have comfortable conditions, 3-4 beds are located in one ward and each has a bedside table.
How healing houses function (little description based on how hospitals work. You don’t have to read it, only if you are curious):
Post nurses work in shifts, a shift of nurses works all day and spends the night in the healing house, because patients, especially seriously ill patients, need round-the-clock care and supervision, the next shift comes the next morning, and the previous one goes home to rest for a few days.
The head of the department (sort of a senior doctor) works in the day shift, that is, in the evening he goes home, and at night he is replaced by the doctor on duty, in the absence of the head, he looks after the patients.
Every morning at the healing house there is a meeting of the previous shift, the new shift and the doctors, at which the nurses who spent the night and the doctor on duty tell the next shift what happened during the day: who had complaints, who is experiencing deterioration or improvement, and so on.
The head nurse of the department, as well as the headmaster, work on the day shift.
The nurses' working day begins with procedures (injections, ivs), which are done in the morning.
If someone is prescribed antibiotics in injections or droppers, they are given twice a day.
During the day, nurses distribute pills three times a day, take care of patients, help them eat and maintain the hygiene of seriously ill patients.
Patients are fed three times a day, food is prepared for them at the Merchants Neighborhood Office, which delivers food to each healing house in special containers. Already in the healing house, the food is distributed by a dietary nurse. The food in healing houses is as healthy as possible, nothing fried, salty, sweet and not very high in calories.
Each healing house has an admission department where patients with complaints are admitted, doctors receive them there and decide whether to arrange for the patient to be treated at the healing house. Sometimes the doctor can come to the patient’s home if they are called over by the Guild Doctor from the Wings of Help Guild.
If the patient has several concomitant diseases, the doctor of one department can invite a doctor from another for a consultation, for example, if a patient in the therapeutic department with gastritis has facial paralysis, they can invite a neurologist to examine the patient and give recommendations.
Every day, the attending physician makes rounds of patients, approaches everyone, asks them for complaints, examines them, talks to them, gives recommendations and explains what will happen if they are not followed.
And of course, doctors also prescribe treatment.
One of the most important things in the work of medical workers is careful work with blood and other fluids. You never know what a grifiх may be sick with, especially when you don't have the technology to detect a disease in the blood. In accidents with blood, it is very important to act quickly. The most harmless thing that can happen is blood getting on the skin, you can simply wash it off and treat this place with an antiseptic. The worst thing is to prick yourself with a used needle or blood getting on the mucous membranes.