The Miners Guild

Neighborhood inside The Frozen Empire

Can be home to characters.

A guild situated at the very core of the Frozen Empire


Patron god: Wolf 
Headmaster: Calyopi
Specialty: Extraction and distribution of minerals from under the Frozen Empire. Trading such resources with the Crystal Empire.



You walk up to the center of the Empire. In front of you lies the great Eclipse Tower, in which the Great Library of the Scholars Guild is placed. But you are not close to it, it just is so massive as it looks like it is just around the next corner. You walk up the round stairs that circle the tower from afar, until you finally reach the end: the stairs enter the tower through a tunnel. But is it really the tower? Or is the Empire in fact built on a mountain? You are surprised that it never occurred to you. It was so obvious. Just that nowhere in the empire can you see the ground, every inch of the mountain is covered. Why is that you wonder? Above the entrance in the mountain there’s an emblem which you know very well: The Miners Guild. You start walking through the tunnel. Soon enough, it starts heading downwards. You advance deeper and deeper in the mountain, through an endless maze of galleries. Rooms filled with crystals, filled with working grifix. The deeper you go, a strange yellow light starts filling the air. Could it be… the great amber deposit you’ve heard about? The pride of the Miners Guild, the reason they were able to rise from a simple underguild to one of the Big Twelve?



The Miners Guild used to be part of the Scholars' Guild till not long ago. They used to focus on mineral study, but recently they began excavating and digging under the Empire and found a lot of minerals, mostly crystals. Following that discovery, Calyopi, the current headmaster of the guild, had the idea to trade with the Crystal Empire. Using special spells she could reveal herself before ponies, and so they began exporting to the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Empire is currently one of the only places with stable politics in Equestria, and became a very important trade center, as it had good relations with every other place. The grifix obtained a lot of goods in exchange for minerals, such as seeds that the Herbalists could use and grow. It brought a big change in the Empire.

Recently, they discovered a big deposit of amber under the empire. Entire caves filled with this mineral that is extremely valuable for the ponies in the Crystal Empire. It is also very appreciated by the grifix in the Frozen Empire sincember is considered the symbolic stone of the Frozen Empire because it represents the warmness in the freezing cold. However, nothing can explain the existence of such a big amber deposit, because it completely goes against the natural formation of such mineral.



The patron god of the miners guild is Wolf. Considered a God back in the old Divided Grifix Camp, his figure began to be associated with caves, crystals and minerals. Now the grifix pray to him to assure their safety in the mines and protect them against crumbles and getting lost in the maze.

Legends speak of a guiding light that helped miners get back to the surface many times, but could that really be Wolf? Or are there other entities keeping watch of those diving deep in the core of the Empire...





Currently Calyopi. She is the reason the Guild became so imprtant. She is also the one who handles most of the trades, because the self revealing spell makes the sphirix disappear and most grifix can't take that, so currently she's the only grifix in her guild that can calmly go through that. 



The secretary and assistant of the headmaster. Calyopi however spontaneously does any job that she thinks it needs to be done, from hammering gems out of the wall cause she feels like there's a gem that wasn't found by the miners, to randomly starting to sort whatever minerals she runs across, rendering any activity planning useless. The assistant has a truly hard job with her.



Grifix that sort gems and minerals based on quality and size. Their work is very important, for they decide where every gem will go.



Common grifix part of the guild. They dive in the mines every day in order to extract minerals for the guild.



No underguilds are known as of now.

Associated Faction