OUT-1: Mysterious Shine


This form doesn't exist canonically, but you're free to use it for art

this is a younger version of her. you're free to use it for art.

Misty was just a little filly, who was found by Queen Nara wandering around the forest in one of her first years of reign. The Queen decided to give guidance to the little lost filly, but found out that she had no memories at all, not remembering anything about herself or who she was. She had to do then one of the hardest choices of her life, but she choose to take the little filly to the village, raising her around the grifix until she was to old to see them anymore. However, she prepared Misty for that moment and told her that once that moment came, she had to leave and live with her species, but must not tell anyone of her origin. Though Misty was heartbroken to leave, she had no choice and so she did, never speaking of the village again.
She stopped thinking about it until one day.
Obviously, as she left the village, she first got into Ponyville and settled there. There she found a very welcoming environment, with friendly ponies that made her feel like home. One of those ponies was Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was just a few years older than her, and Misty befriended her.
(To explain the timeline, since Queen Nara barely started her reign when Twilight was born, the current time of the village is somewhere around 50 years into the future from the first MLP:FiM episode, somewhere around the very last episode of the series.)
That day, Twilight asked her to go with Spike to the Changeling Kingdom, a place feared by everypony till not long ago. Spike had to talk with his friend, Thorax, about some important stuff, but Twilight didn’t want to send him alone, since the Forest of Leota, surrounding the Kingdom, was a forest full of dangerous wildlife and magical monsters, and not even she would go alone there. It was a strange request for Misty, since she wasn’t that close to Twilight as most of her friends that went in hundreds of adventures, but it somehow happened that none of them was there. However, Misty accepted gladly to go there, since she loved the mysterious creatures that populated those isolated places in Equestria. In the time Spike would spend with Thorax she could go wandering around the forest studying animals.
However, fate had different plans for her.
As her and Spike were crossing the forest towards the Changeling Kingdom, they heard some terrified screams and evil laughs. They ran towards the noise and found themselves on the top of a hill, right at the edge of the forest. Bellow them, there was a green female changeling, fallen to the ground as a dark tall silhouette was bending over her. “Queen Chrysalis!” gasped Spike with a terrified look on his face. They hid behind a bush watching the scene through the branches, not knowing what to do. Misty was just an earth pony, with no magic to use in a fight. However, when she saw that the Queen started draining the love from the changeling, she couldn’t stand to just watch the horrifying scene so she just jumped out of the bush without even thinking about what she would do to save her. She started running downhill but she stumbled upon a rock and started rolling down the hill. A bigger rock was standing in her way and as she rolled over she got projected in the air. Her trajectory took her straight through the love Chrysalis was drainig from the changeling, crushing to the earth right between them. The Queen, surprised by the unexpected interference, stopped draining the love. Spike, worried for Misty, called her name. The Queen looked at him, but after she saw him her look quickly changed from one of rage to one of fear. “That’s Twilight’s stupid baby dragon! That must mean she and her friends are somewhere around! I can’t let them find me, my magic is not strong enough!” She said to herself. She quickly turned away and ran disappearing in the forest behind her.
There was no worth of chasing her, Misty and Spike had no way of winning against her, and, contrary of what the Queen thought, Twilight and her friends were nowhere around. So they turned their attention towards the changeling. She was in pretty bad shape, but after they took her to the hive, she regained strength and was able to talk to them. She told them that she was very grateful for saving her, but also that the thing Chrysalis was draining from her was no love. It was magic. The Queen had the ability to drain magic from her subjects, or, more correctly said, her ex-subjects. She had been swarming around for some time, attacking randomly changelings that were alone. Somehow, all of them managed to get away fast enough, and this one was the first to get in such a grave situation. In fact, that was the reason Thorax wanted to talk to Spike about.
But the most important problem in that moment was: what would happen to Misty after getting through changeling magic? There could be some sticking to her, so she could end up with some strange powers!
And so it was. Soon, she discovered that she had the power to turn into self-versions of all intelligent species.
And there she was: she actually had the power to turn into a grifix. She had the power to return to the village, to return HOME.
Soon, she was visiting the village, seeing her old friends, and most important, seeing Queen Nara, who was like a mother to her.
However, she did not stay. She had a life outside the village she could not give up. She had a purpose in that world. But now she could visit her childhood home - and that was all that mattered.
* * *
Personality: she’s mostly happy and friendly, but she has a pretty dark humor and seems a bit psycho sometimes. Adventurous, she’s seeking the most dangerous situations she can get in. Loves wildlife and the magical creatures of Equestria.
Talent: mysterious creatures and all about them