OUT-33: Beetle Fang

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Species
  • Rank
    Outsider (Student)
  • Location
    The Crystal Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Gender
    Agender (prefers binary pronouns, but doesn't care)

He is a half changeling unicorn (his father was a changeling, his mom a unicorn). He doesn't have much changeling abilities, but his magic is a bit weird for a unicorn. He attends the Crystal Academy together with Crystal Shiver, Popcorn Spark, Sandsnow and Fluorite Shores. He was raised in the Crystal Empire and his mother was a crystal pony but for some reason the sparkle never stuck to him.

He broke every rule of the empire at some point. The guards became sick of him. 

Crystal Shiver is his childhood friend, and they were together most of the time. But Crystal Shiver somehow avoids all the consequences of whatever they are doing.

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