OUT-42: Pandora

Owned by RubyNoble1
(Co-owned by MysteriousShine)
  • Species
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  • Dead/Alive
  • Age


Cutie Mark: Golden Apple with an eye that has a star in it (the golden apple represents the fact that she can see the "imaginary", as golden apples are a common occurrence in fairytales. The eye refers to her special seeing ability. The star represents the magical entities she can see, such as grifix.)

Ability: She is blind but he unique ability allows her to see the magical energy of each individual, so basically the spirit magic of any creature. She is able to sense any individual, including the grifix whom are invisible to the normal eye. By everyone, her ability is believed to be able to see the imaginary, since she mentions meeting those of fairytale and myth. She is seen as crazy by those who have seen her alone, especially during the incident of her talking to a grifix in the Everfree woods when the pony who was watching could not see the grifix.


She was a luxurious mare. She was blind, however, what she lacks in eyesight she overfills in an added sense of hers. She is not able to see but able to see black and identify lights as somebody's soul.

She is extremely powerful, one of the six most powerful unicorns of her time.



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