OUT-66: Arctica Snow

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Species
    Snow Sphinx
  • Location
    The Crystal Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Rank
    Crystal Academy Student
  • Nickname
    Ari, Arctic
  • Birthday
    24th of December
She is the younger sister of Sandsnow. She looks up to her older brother a lot, especially when out in public with the crystal ponies. She has a hard time making friends because she’s like a little autistic child, but she has one very good friend that is a crystal pony that she loves. She met them during school at the academy. 
While Ari is around Sandsnow, she usually hides behind him while they walk around, but other times she goes and runs off and he has to go find her, she usually runs off to go find her one friend or to a chocolate shop.