

Back in the time before Equestria, there was a powerful species residing in the desert. They were wealthy and lived very happily, until eventually a tyrant took over as their king. But he liked not to be the king of these people, and he liked not that all of his wealth had to be shared with them, so he took an ancient magical crystal and with a spell absorbed all of his subjects inside, remaining as the only Sphinx, guarding his treasure.
When he eventually died, in the times of the Great Cataclysm, the spell broke and his old subjects were expelled from the crystal. They had no more kingdom to go to, so some of them settled in Saddle Arabia while others set off to various parts of Equestria. As the only safe place in Equestria at that time, they eventually arrived to the Crystal Empire and settled there among the crystal ponies. In the two thousand years that they resided there, they developed thicker fur from the desert counterparts.



They are pawed mammals. Their body build is similar to that of ponies, but with thicker, shorter legs that have paws. They have a lion tail and big wings. Their heal is like that of a pony, but their ears are fluffy on top. They have thick eyelashes and often wear kohl. They have hair manes just like ponies and hair at the top of their tail.


See on Discord (there is one for females)
Grifix bases can be used with certain alterations.



before the great cataclysm

Settlement: none, they were trapped in a crystal

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions.

Relationship with other species: none

Clothing and accessories: -

After the great cataclysm

Settlement: In Saddle Arabia and in the Crystal Empire

Relationship with grifix: No grifix interactions

Relationship with other species: They live together with crystal ponies

Clothing and accessories: Unrestricted

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