
Rosewings were Rosa's favorite birds, and they haven't been spoted before her reign so their existence is believed to be linked to her. They were all around the Everfree Village back in Rosa's reign but have been chased out during Eclipsa's reign and completely disappeared over time. Some said they went extinct, but they remained alive in grifix's memories, and grifix often think that they spoted one with the corner of their eye during the Heartfire Holiday or Rosa's Day. What is certain though, is that they often appear to healers in prophecies given by Rosa's spirit and while it is rare for the Queen herself to show in a vision she will often speak through a Roseling. They are now believed to be bringers of prophecies and good omens.
They have a vast diet, eating bugs and small lizards, but their main food source are seeds and fruit which they also spead around by eating. This is why where roselinds live, there are always flowers growing.
In the Frozen Empire, there were a few eggs brought by a greenseeker which found them and couldn't recognise the species so he brought back for zoologists to study. When the eggs hatched, they were roselinds, but by then nobody remembered the old legends and these birds were long forgotten. They proved to be useful with seed spreading around the green houses so herbalists kept them around, but they aren't used for anything else and can't be found anywhere else in the Empire.
The birds come in blue or pink varieties. There had always been blue and pink ones, but it is unknown what decides their color, for it seems unrelated to their gender and colors never blend with eachother. It is known however that pink ones were more common during Rosa's reign, while after her death they gradually became more rare and blue ones took over, pink ones being very raare in the Empire.
Some say the colors are related to the time of the day they hatch, so if it's day they're pink and if it's night they're blue. Perhaps that is the reason.
Creators: Holly_Heart (design) and CrystalIzzy77 (lore)