Everfree Village Faction (Everfree Village Factions)

At the top of the Village hierarchy is the Queen, her being the supreme leader of the Village. Next after her is the Healer, having the task to connect the living with the ancestors, as well as heal the hurt. Under the healer is the Captain of the Warriors, him being the most experienced warrior in the Village. Next is the Head-Servant and Royal Adviser, followed by the Healer Disciple and the Captain of the Royal Guard. In the end come the warriors, the castle servants and the other common citizens, together with the elders and the children.


Current queen: Queen Selenara

She is the only immortal grifix, though if she feels the need for it, she can choose the next queen and retire, and in the end - die. To choose the next queen, after she decides to retire, she’s waiting for the Healer to get a sign that will tell that the new queen is about to be born. After she’s born, the queen disciple spends as much time as possible around the current Queen, training to receive her godly power one day. When the Queen considers that she’s ready, she gives the next queen her immortality and leaves, heading for the Queen Cemetery in the Smoky Mountains. The queens aren’t allowed to have any sexual relationships and falling in love is the worst thing they can do. This has as purpose keeping the village integrity (cause since she’s immortal, her lover would eventually die and she would remain heartbroken which can result in a lot of issues for the village), but also the fact that not making the egg spell is an essential action for keeping their enormous magic under control, especially since their sphirix has a free shape which makes it even harder to control. It’s not forbidden to adopt children though - especially the current Queen, Selenara, found a great comfort in doing so.

Current Healer: Back Sunset

Heals grifix and sphirix and deals with spiritual stuff (relationship with the ancestors, prophecies and other spiritual things). It is essential that the coat of the healers to be dark, but if one isn’t born until the current healer gets to the age of 40, they may take a grey grifix as their disciple, or even a white one in very urgent cases. Because of the herbal smoke they live in - they slowly blind. When they get to maturity they’re already fully blind. After they turn blind though, they gain the capability to see the other grifix’s sphirix, unlike normal grifix. They are not allowed to have sexual relationships, for that could get in between their relationship with the ancestral grifix. They always need to have their mind clear or their dreams might close up to the ancestors. They are respected by all Grifix almost as much as the Queen, if not more. The life of all the grifix depends on them.


Current captain: Meteor Dust

Is in charge of the warriors and their training. He becomes captain by proving during their life that they have what it takes for this task, not like the queens or the healers that are chosen when they’re young. Their most important quality is loyalty to the Queen and the Village.


Current royal adviser: Frozen Mountain

This position didn’t exist before Frozen Mountain. He was supposed to be just Selenara’s personal servant but he has proven so much loyalty and wisdom as the Queen slowly started relying on him as much as she did on the Captain of the Warriors or the Healer (which played the advising role before, and still do), so at a point Selenara decided to name him “Royal Advisor”. It is not sure if this role will be kept after his death or the Queen will go back to the old ways.


Current healer disciple: Spring Night

They’re chosen when they’re born, if they possess a strong enough magic power and the stars are in the right place. After the age of 3, whenever their mother needs some free time, they start to leave them with the Healer for short periods. After the age of 5-6 they start spending almost all their day helping the Healer. At the age of 12-15 they move into the Healer’s hut (right after they get through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony) . Only when the Healer dies they are no longer disciples and they can take their own disciple as soon as a dark grifix is born in the right circumstances. If there are born twin dark grifix, the one with the strongest magic is chosen. 

One of their jobs is to keep The Fire in the Center of the Village on. They’re not allowed to have sexual relationships. If they do, they risk losing their position even at the risk that the next disciple to be a white grifix - if the healer is too old. In this case, they risk being exiled from the village.


Currently Frozen Mountain (see The Royal Adviser)

Is in charge of the other servants from the castle. Takes care of everything to go well and to not remain any tasks unfulfilled.



Only males are allowed to become warriors, and they all must be enrolled as warriors, only exceptions being those who are hurt too bad for it, elders and those When a colt gets to the age of 12-15 they move to The Warriors Camp & Training Grounds (right after they get through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony). Until the age of 18 they must live there. After that, they can move to their own house whenever they want, or keep living in The Warriors Camp. Even if they move, they still have to do the warrior jobs. Their tasks are defending the village and haunting. They are split in three categories: supervisors, fighters and castle guards. 

SUPERVISORS - the fastest warriors are chosen to become supervisors. Those spend most of their time watching the village from the Supervision Platforms, and if something bad happens, they fly as fast as possible to the guards in the village that must handle it. 

FIGHTERS - the strongest warriors are chosen to become fighters. Those spend most of their time on the Training Grounds, waiting for any sign of trouble from the Supervisors. They train all of the time when there’s no trouble to become stronger and better. Some of them can willingly become permanent castle guards, while others only occasionally have the task to guard the castle.

CASTLE GUARDS - Fighters who are permanently on Castle Guarding Duty. All fighters must regularily guard the castle, but the Castle Guards are permanently there. They are also affilated with the Castle Servants, therefore they must wear the same feather accessory as them.

The warriors' armor

Mostly females that serve the Queen in the castle, cleaning around, preparing the food or the Queen’s clothes (they don’t do that that much anymore, since Nara doesn’t dress too much, but it was an important task during Eclipsa’s reign). They all wear a feather accessory which represents their bond to the queen. Most of them are maids, but not all.

The feathers can be any type of feathers, but the little wool balls are always the same colors.


Usually adult females (housemares) or retired before-time warriors. They usually work around the house, take care of children and cook.



Old mares and retired warriors. The females spend most of their time weaving or doing paw-made stuff for the village. They also watch the kids sometimes, but that’s mostly the young females’ task.



Young grifix that still didn’t get through the Sphirix Shape Ceremony. They spend most of their time playing around and having fun.



Grifix that have been exiled or left the Village on their own will.



Other characters, usually not grifix, that live outside the village, and somehow interacted with the grifix.