House of the Rising Sun

Everfree Village Faction inside Castle Servants

Can be joined by characters.

A place for the restless Children of the Sun

the everfree village


Vow to the Queen

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Selenara, the Queen of the Sun, offered shelter to many orphans in the village since her reign begun. The children of the Sun often decided to spend their entire life working for her and enjoying their lives at the castle, but some just didn’t fit in. And no matter how many chances the queen might give them… The Head of the Castle Servants, Frozen Mountain, had limited patience. And when one continuously messes up things in the castle… they’re bound to get kicked out.
Truth is these children just had too much energy and mopping the floors all day just ain’t it for them. So they all sort of started to gather around the blacksmith at that time, and help around there, where work was truly tiring and they had something to out their energy into. Truth is they were all obsessed with how freaking cool the blacksmith was and just wanted to impress him.
The daughter of the blacksmith at that time, started jokingly calling her house “the house of the rising sun” as a reference to all the “children of the sun” gathering up in there. Over time, she took over as the Blacksmith but now the place is full of grifix doing various jobs such as glassmaking, pottery, or forging.
They all wear the same feather accessories as the castle servants, as they are considered servants of the queen, but they don’t live in the castle. They’re like a big family.


Head of the House of the Rising sun

The old Blacksmith of the Village. He's like a grandpa to the kids. He used to make the coolest stuff out of metal so the kids were obsessed with him. He's retired now, but he still gives a lot of advice to the young ones, and they are often amazed by the results they get by following his advice.

Nowdays his daughter took over the job of Blacksmith, and also that of the Head of the House, but her old man still goes around giving orders to everyone if he feels like it.


Children of the rising sun

The grifix that do various crafts in the House, such as forging, glass making and pottery. Some just live here without partaking in any such work, but then they cook and help around the house.


They all wear the special feather ornaments which are the castle servants symbol, as they are in fact part of the Castle Servants.

The feathers can be any type of feathers, but the little wool balls are always the same colors.
Faction Ranks


Head of the House

EVE-361: Black Zirconia, EVE-363: Larimar Nimbus

Member Ranks

Children of the Rising Sun (0 Standing)

Members: 6 ・ See All

Associated Item
Associated Location