
Frozen Empire Faction inside Merchants Guild

Can be joined by characters.

They are responsible with delivering food in every guild neighbourhood.

the frozen empire

the merchants guild



✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely


Is in charge of the entire underguild.



Some sort of a secretary, they help the moderator throughout the day.



Grifix that work in the Guild's Headquarters and reside in the Merchants neighbourhood.



They deliver food from the Headquarters to each of the Guild neighbourhood Offices. They reside in the Merchants neighbourhood.



They reside in neighbourhood Offices and cook for grifix from those neighbourhoods.

In some cases, the offices have no residents aside from the Moderator and Delivery grifix, so those two must handle food and do a chef's work.

Faction Ranks


Moderator: Is in charge of the entire underguild.
Moderator Assistant: Some sort of a secretary, they help the moderator throughout the day.
Foodrunners: They deliver food from the Headquarters to each of the Guild Neighbourhood Offices.

EMP-360: Elise

Chef: They reside in Neighborhood Offices and cook for grifix from those neighbourhoods.

EMP-351: Stella, EMP-221: Springtime Waterfall, EMP-228: Purple Haze, EMP-453: Whisper, EMP-369: Shadowbriar

Member Ranks

Headquarter Residents: Grifix that work in the Guild's Headquarters. (0 Standing)

Members: 6 ・ See All

Associated Locations
Associated Faction