Fenrir Medics
Forbidden Colony
Can be joined by characters.

military medic wear for military medics
civil medic wear for civil medics
not a trait but they all must have the mark of the iris somewhere on their body
✦ OPEN ✦
you can freely create characters part of this faction
These Trifix are quite powerful and have extremely extended knowledge about plant life, medicines, and remedies.
They all possess a special healing ability, known as "Irises Touch".
Trifix born with this ability have a special mark on their body, named "the Mark of the Iris". It can be found anywhere on their body, though usually is found near the chest or shoulders.
The ability allows any Trifix to easily combine plant matter with their magic, applying the finished product to wounds, bruises, cuts, and more. This is the most common issue within the village.
The second most common issue is Trifix breaking their bones (usually due to rough combat, Year of the Lion duals, or Hunter's possibly getting extremely injured). Trifix medic combine their magic with vines to create a magically enhanced bandage that seeps through the Trifix flesh and repairs the bones.
A combination of their magic and fruits is used to make juice to help with sickness recovery . Though this isn't as common due to most diseases not having effect on Trifix.
As told in stories, Trifix cubs upon the night they are born are visited by the spirit of Iris Ivory. One of the original Trifix who was a part of the search party for Oracle. She was gifted an incredible ability of healing nature's when she became a Trifix. This spirit of Iris is said to kiss the Trifix cub she is visiting, offering her magical healing abilities to those she sees as worthy to carry on her deeds to heal and look after the Trifix Village.
Medicines, remedies, plants medical knowledge, all coming to mind to help each and every Trifix who need assistance.
All Medics have this traits: FENRIR MEDICS HAIR VINES
Lead Medic
The one leader of the medics, they train and look after all the medics of the colony. They are chosen by their prestige efforts to healTrifix, guide other medics, and put in the work to help fellow Trifix.
Oracle herself chooses who the Lead Medic is after watching which Trifix is proving themself to lead.
They are the only medic who can check Oracle for any injury or sickness.
They may at any point retire from the lead medical position but in doing so, they cannot regain that position in the future.
They may be the lead medic for as long as possible, retirement or death is the only way the position gets changed to another Trifix.
Military Medics
These specific medics are slightly stronger than regular medics, staying mostly around the warriors and guards in case of emergency. They usually live with other warriors so that they can wake up and quickly jump into action with the warriors if help is needed.
These Trifix always carry karambit style knives as a quick defense. Fenrir Medics are also the only medics that have access to the castle, besides the Lead Medic, to check on Oracle's children. They do not have access to check on Oracle.
Military Medics outfit:
Civil Medics
Civil Medics Outfit: