

Blizzbeaks are big prey birds, over twice the height of a grifix, being big enough to attack Giant Arctic Pigeons.

Blizzbeaks are carnivores, eating any animal they can get their claws on. They will attack grifix even if they're in a group, but it often ends up with the bird killed. A grifix alone has no chance against one, and even if the bird is killed by others it will severely hurt the grifix. Because of this, they are considered the biggest enemies of the Frozen Empire grifix. Hunting Expeditions must always be wary of them, as they often attack during blizzards when they can't be seen from below until it is too late.

Blizzbeaks' enormous wings always stir up the snow on the ground making it seem like a blizard has started and blinding the prey by surrounding it in snowy winds. They also prefer to attack during blizzards, which completely conceal their presence. "Blizzbeak" is word play on "blizzard" and "beak", coming from their hunting method and their strong beaks.

Blizzbeaks have a very stong beak, which is sometimes used for weapons by grifix. The birds use their beaks to cut through ice in order to catch fish, or eat meat which they saved from previous hunts. If meat isn't eatten while still warm, it will freeze and become rock solid, so hard beaks help blizzbeaks consume it anyway.

Blizzbeaks also have a set of wing claws which seem to hep them move through snow when they are on the ground, as well as help them with killing and breaking ice. The claws are also used by grifix for weapons.

Because of the cold habitat they live in, they have developed two layers of feathers. Clothes made with their skin are the best at keeping the grifix warm in the cold climate.

They can only be found in very cold habitats, usually north of the Crystal Empire. They are lonesome birds, only coming together for the mating season.


Creator: MidnightStar
[Lo-W] Blizbeaks

Associated Locations