Forest EggeatersSilva Ovumcomedentis


Forest Eggeaters are two legged feathered snakes that dwell deep within the Everfree forest. They are relatively common and are seen as pests. They are slightly smaller than the average grifix but quite long (4 meters). They have long feathers protruding from their head, the sides of their face, back and the tips of their tails. mainly used to camouflage between the shrubbery and leaves of the forest or mating. Though only the males have large, bushy feathers, females typically only have feathers on their heads and sides of their face. When feeling threatened they will fan out these feathers to appear larger, if this does not work they will bite then flee. They are non-venomous, their teeth being very small and would not do much damage if bitten. Their legs are mainly used to get over obsticles or climb trees, they will slither instead if they need to move faster or escape.

Their diet mainly consists of any eggs that they can fit inside their jaw, they can dislocate it if needed. When consuming eggs they will push it to the back of their throat and crush it, their tiny teeth helping it cracking eggs open, then when they have digested all the juices they will regurgitate the shell back out. They are not of much notice in the Everfree Village, though if they get the opportunity they will sneak into the village and eat unguarded eggs. In the Village it's quite hard for them to entert the houses, but in the Lost Tribe they are a big threat, therefore they are labeled a pest and a menace, if they are spotted within the camp they are killed on sight. If they are caught in the act of eating a egg, they will often regurgitate it back up so they can escape faster. 

When it is mating season, males will fan out their tails and other feathers located around the body to impress the females, they do not do much of a dance with them, but will coil around the female and just lay there and wait. 

Creator: Dawn-n-Night

[Lo-W2] Forest/Cave Eggeater

Associated Locations
Associated Faunas