Boreal LightbirdSeptentrionaliumlux Cristatus


The Boreal Lightbird is a rare large bird that is only found in the snowy mountains of the Frozen North. They have a similar build to peacocks, yet they are exellent flyers and have a strictly carnivourous diet. Boreal lightbirds have an average wingspan of 4 to 5 meters when outstretched and tower over any grifix. Their wing remiges are dark blue with green and sometimes pink reflections, the light reflecting off of them similarily to the northern lights.

Their diet mainly consists of small voles, rabbits and other animals that they manage to catch.

They are nocturnal, being a truly beautiful sight when flying in the moonlight.

During the breeding season, they will use their colourful feathers and dance to impress their mates. They mate for life, and if their partner dies they will not find another one. If that happens, they can die from heartbreak. These birds are rare because they will only lay one egg once every seven years, so their population is limited. They are very protective of their mates and their young.

They are a legend among the grifix, for it is so rare to see one. It is believed that whenever they fly, the Northern Lights trail behind them. It is also believed that their feathers have magical properties, thhe two long feathers in their tail can heal any illness or injury, other feathers can bring you good luck, but the ones sought out the most is the feathers from their wings, which can grant any wish. Due to this, too eager hunters seek them out to kill and take the precious feathers which they will either hoard, or sell, and then keep the bird's corpse as a trophy. However one must be warned, for if the bird's blood is on your paws, endless unfortunes will come to your lineage and you will be cursed.


Creator: Dawn-n-Night
[Lo-W] The Great Northern Lightbird (Create a Bird Species Challenge)

Associated Locations