Crystal’s Love


This plant has a dark bark and Crystal leaves, which look strangely similar to the leaves of the Tree of Harmony. It originated in the Everfree Forest and can only be found there, but it can be further cultivated if you plant one of its leaves. Because of this, it can be found in Grifix settlements, but it only grows there. It cannot grow outside of those settlements. This indicates a possible dependency of magic absorption.

The plant's life depends on it's leaves. As long as you leave on leaf on it, it will continue to strive and be alive. It only dies if you take away all of its leaves.

The usages of the plant are strange, so that some healers refuse to use it because they do not believe in it being effective. The uses are as such:
One leaf can cure a weeping heart and ease up any mental scars if consumed. If you consume it raw, it will ease any suffering from broken relationships. If it is consumed after being chopped or mashed, it will ease any suffering from a lost something.
The plant itself, however, is used to keep the ground soil fertilized. Just having this plant in your garden will keep the soil fertilized for as long as the plant lives.

Many wonder why the leaves look so crystal-like and similar to the leaves of the Tree of Harmony. There are many rumors about it being born from the tree. Most popular is that sometime a leaf fell from the Tree of Harmony and from it grew the first Crystal's Love.


As for how the Crystal's Love came to pass and why it is called like that, there is a legend passed along the Divided Grifix.

A long time ago, there was a Divided Grifix named Crystal on whom both crystals and plants grew. Instead of wings, it had trees, and it had crystals growing everywhere. Crystal took a great interest in plants and gardening and created a small garden just outside Ghastly Gorge. It took great care of it, even or especially during its last years, for the trees and crystals were slowly consuming them. While Crystal felt worse and worse, they just kept tending to the garden more and more lovingly. At some point, their fellow grifix started to get worried about them, but Crystal stayed strong. The fellow grifix wanted them to take a break, but Crystal refused stating that the plants needed to be taken care of. So, the fellow grifix sighed, and in the last week of the Crystal's life, the whole camp tended to the garden. The garden flourished like it never did before and looked especially beautiful.

But the grifix couldn't see Crystal. Instead, they saw a strange tree with Crystal leaves in the garden. They named the tree Crystal's Love in memory of their lost friend. 

Creator: MidnightStar