Oogama Sento

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

Oogama Sento is a medium sized but tall bathhouse located in the nicer looking streets of the entertainment district. It is named after the Oogama yokai and looks like a traditional bathhouse with frog theming. The building consists of three floors and a basement.

When stepping inside you will be greeted by a comforting warmth and a sweet lavender smell. There are many fake plants, small ponds and tiny waterfalls about, though on each floor there is one big pond where you can find the Oogama yokai. You can interact with them, give them coins or food but they will do nothing, though it is believed that gifting them something can bring good luck. A receptionist is in the front which will take your order and lead you to a bath. Most baths are small except for the one large bath that may not be used by anyone, for it is for a 'special guest' if he decides to stop by.

Attire for entertainers is traditional bathhouse clothing and they must have their hair tied up at all times. Mostly females and cubs work here, but sometimes there are males as well. Entertainers must have a polite personality and must please their guests.

The bathhouse is run by an elderly enterainer, she lives in the very top of the building. She is quite kind but is known to be crafty, tricking others into working for her.

The basement is for very loyal grifix. Only two or three work there at a time. It is hard work, water needs to be heated and herbs and scents are mixed their then sent to the baths. It is much warmer here, almost insufferably so. To work here is a true testament that you are worthy to be at the bathhouse.


This house is regulated by @Dawn-n-night
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