Oogama Sento

Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild

Can be joined by characters.


the frozen empire

the entertainment district

oogama sento


sphirix must be a swamp/wetland creature, frogs are highly encouraged

entertainers wear traditional bathhouse clothing, hair must be tied up at all times

house's aesthetic is centered around japan

✦ OPEN ✦

you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, Dawn-n-Night

✦THE house mother✦

They're the leader and owner of the house, as well as the owner of every grifix part of the house.

The bathhouse is run by an elderly enterainer, she lives in the very top of the building. She is quite kind but is known to be crafty, tricking others into working for her.



Attire for entertainers is traditional bathhouse clothing and they must have their hair tied up at all times. Mostly females and cubs work here, but sometimes there are males as well. Entertainers must have a polite personality and must please their guests.

Faction Ranks


The House Mother: She is quite kind but is known to be crafty, tricking others into working for her.

Member Ranks

Entertainers: Entertainers must have a polite personality and must please their guests. (0 Standing)

Members: 0 ・ See All

Associated Locations