The Red Moon House

building inside The Entertainers Guild

Can be home to characters.

Headmaster: Bloodlust
Members: Daymare Woods, others


The Red Moon house is biggest and most influential House in the Entertainers Guild. It has the most connections and influence of them all, because they earned regular customers from all the important guilds. They clearly chase to earn as much influence as possible, and don't care so much about money despite being the richest house. Rummor says they have a secret sponsor. The headmaster of the Starfell Clan has been seen entering this House many times, but no entertainers seem to have ever performed for him. The House is also full of grifix that were kicked out of the Starfell Clan. Most of those grifix join the Entertainers Guild, as they are not accepted anywhere else, but most of them end up in this house, and it looks like it's agains their will, like they are blackmailed into doing it. There are a lot of suspicions regarding this House, most pointing out to the fact that it would be ran behind the scenes by the Starfell Clan.

The Red Moon House Building is facing the Moonshadow Crane House building, looking as if they are challengeing eachother. The building itself is pained in black and bright red shades. The price is never the same in here, customers arre not treated equally. Based on who you are, they may even offer free entertainment sessions, but if you are a nobody the prices will likely be impossible to afford.