Entertainers Guild

Frozen Empire Faction
A place ruled by norhing but money and bodily desires. Burries itself under the cover of beautiful dresses, dance, music, theather and art. Truth is that all leads to acts much darker, dirtier.

the frozen empire

the entertainment district


depending on each house


depending on each house

✦THE house mothers✦

The Entertainers Guild has no headmaster. The guild is split in many houses instead of underguilds, which focus all on the same thing. Whenever the Council must meet, the houses mothers gather and pick one to attend that meeting. It is usually one of the major houses mothers. The minor ones, with no influence, are ignored and never get to attend the meetings.

These mothers all own an House and focus on making as much money as possible from the house. However, more important than money is the secrets, the gossip that they can obtain through the entertainers. Besides buing entertainers, they must also raise the new ones and make them as seductive and beautiful. All arts must be tought, and that is the role of the headmasters. The better they raise an entertainer, the more success they will have.



The grifix part of the houses. They are mostly beautiful females, but there can be males as well. They must entertain their customers through various ways, like dancing, singing, playing instruments or performind various arts. If one is appreciated enough, the customer can request a meeting with the entertainer, alone., if the entertainer approves. The meetings are expensive, and the main source of income for the houses. They are also where lots of secrets get revealed, as few can keep their mouth shut in the front of beauty.

New entertainers often do not take part in such meetings, or don't even get to perform at all. At the beggining they just help around the house and welcome customers. It takes a feww years for an entertainer to be fully trained.


this page exist solely as a placeholder. each house has it's own hierarchy and requirements so check for the one you need.