The Harpsong House
Frozen Empire Faction inside Entertainers Guild
Can be joined by characters.

✦ OPEN ✦
you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, CrystalIzzy77
✦THE house mother✦
✦They are the regulator of the guild, training and raising Entertainers with rich music knowledge. They sometimes recieve older members, but most have been raised in the house since a very young age, like in most entertainment houses.
✦instrument crafters✦
✦All members have knowledge in crafting musical instruments, and they usually craft their prefered instrument on their own. However, there are a select few which are masters in instrument crafting and provide guidance to the other Entertainers.
✦music writers✦
✦All entertainers can write their own music, but there are a few who prefer just writing over performing. Their songs are often performed by others.
✦Grifix who perform music on a regular base, entertaining the guests.
Note: there are no music "teachers". as with every House, the entertainers are trained by the house Mother and other older grifix. Elders often don't retire, as singing is an activity that can be performed at any age. They do, however, perform less often and spend more time educating the younger ones.
Faction Ranks
The House Mother: the regulator of the guild, training and raising Entertainers with rich music knowledge
Instrument Crafters: a select few which are masters in instrument crafting and provide guidance to the other Entertainers
Music Writers: Their songs are often performed by others
Member Ranks
Performers: Grifix who perform music on a regular base, entertaining the guests. (0 Standing)
Members: 0 ・ See All
Associated Locations